
Bible Study: November 12, 2020

Galatians 6

Bear and Share Burdens, Be Generous and Do Good, Glory Only in the Cross

November, 2020

Our Weekly Bible Study begins with us reading the assigned scripture ahead of time and preparing our hearts for study and discussion. When we meet (virtually or in person) we first read the scripture as a group, and then take turns sharing and discussing what impacted us the most, and our general interpretation of what we read.

Making Notes as we go through Bible Study is always encouraged, as it helps to increase our understanding of what we have read, and also allows us to become more comfortable and familiar with the Bible.

To make participation easier and more memorable for our younger children, we will include a link to Storybook Bible images of the readings whenever these are available.

This week’s virtual Bible Study focused on Galatians 6, the final chapter in our study on the Book of Galatians. After praying and reading through the chapters, we discussed the verses at length, and shared our personal views on what we had read.

This chapter can best be described as one of “practical grace” . It is a chapter that is easily applied to our daily walk.

Verse 1: Keywords to Note:

1. Overtaken: Fallen from grace,being caught in sin, failure, fault, irresponsible behaviour, boundary violations etc.

2. Spiritual: One walking in the Spirit. We must ask ourselves, are we really spiritual?

3. Restore: Bring back, re-establish, repair, renovate

4. Gentleness: A fruit of the Spirit

A question to ponder: What is someone does not want to be restored despite all our efforts?

As we look to correct others, we must also bear in mind Jesus’ warnings about first paying attention to the pole in our own eye: Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye”(Matthew 7:5).

Verse 2: Bear one another’s burdens- We are called to help those in need of restoration- we are not to judge them or seek their punishment.

Verse 3: “But for the grace of God go I”. If we think we are better than others or that we could never, or would never fall, we deceive ourselves. We must also resist the urge to constantly compare ourselves to others as this creates a false attitude of importance.For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith”(Romans 12:3).

Verse 4: Let each one examine his own work. Not his friend’s or his spouse’s, or his neigbour’s, but his own. A sober saint is not obsessed with the flaws of others. We need to keep our eyes on our own work, and when we see something we can rejoice in we can humbly and quietly do so. “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure”(Phil.2:12-13).

Verse 5: “Each one shall bear his own load”. Do not allow yourself to be a burden to anyone. We should not freeload or enable anyone to the extent where we are carrying their load for them.

Verse 6: Share in all good things with him who teaches. Share with all who do good- Share material and spiritual things.

Verse 7: We must examine every spirit for ourselves. It is also important to remember that when we deceive others we are also deceiving ourselves. Many sow with the tongue- what we say and what we believe are actually sowings, and therefore they will yield a harvest. We will reap whatever we sow, this is a principle of life.

Verse 9: Let us not grow weary- Weariness grows, so it is important that we do not begin the process at all. Weariness will stop us from growing, and will interfere with our belief. It takes faith to continue to do good. But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge”(2 Peter 1:5) We must also realize that “due season” demands due diligence. When we sow a seed, we cannot control it’s growth, we must just keep tending that seed and continue sowing.

Verse 10: “As we have opportunity”- Every time we have the chance to do good, we must do it. Good to anyone at all, not just to our own or to other believers.

Verse 13: Many hold others up as trophies, boasting on them for their own benefit.

Verse 14: Paul states “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”- This should also be our declaration.

Verse 16: “The Israel of God” refers to the believing Jews.

Verse 17: Paul is probably also referring to all his physical injuries in addition to his other trials- Even if we bear no physical injuries ourselves, as believers we all bear in our bodies the trials and testings that we have overcome.

As you read through this week’s Bible passage, ask yourself:

What are MY thoughts on what I am reading?

How can I apply this to MY life?


Adult and Youth Bible Study Resources:

Adult Bible Link:

Please click here for music to accompany this Bible Study.

 Youth Bible Link:

Younger Children’s Picture Bible Story: Unfortunately, the picture Bible Story is not available for this chapter; please click on the Youth Bible Link above instead.

Be Generous and Do Good

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